About Dine Technology Group
Dine Technology, LLC is a restaurant technology company specializing in outsourced accounting services, restaurant technology consulting, restaurant cost control systems, business intelligence, customized systems integration, and software development. Our team consists of experts in many fields including restaurant accounting best practices and standard operating procedures, and optimization of Restaurant365®️ and other restaurant software systems.
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Technology, LLC restauranology company specializing in restaurant accounting.
What Kind Of Services
Does Dine Technology Provide?
Dine Technology provides outsourced restaurant accounting services completely replacing our clients' in-house accounting function. Dine can also provide services on an a la carte basis to supplement a client's in house accounting team.
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Dine Technology has a team of experts in restaurant accounting and restaurant technology systems to assist with all your consulting needs. Are you looking to improve your Restaurant365 experience? Do you want to implement a Food Cost Control System? Do you
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Dine Technology has two proprietary software platforms - Dine Connect and Dine Reporting which extend the capabilities R365. Dine also creates custom integrations for R365 and can customize Dine Software
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